Friday, May 5, 2023

Visiting from Heaven: Butterfly


By Nana Lee, April 24, 2022.

When my mother was younger, I asked her if she could be another creature, what would it be.

“A butterfly.” she replied.

“A butterfly is delicate yet strong, pretty, and can fly into the sky as if it was floating without a care in the world.”

We would talk about that from time to time.

She passed away when she was 47 from colon cancer.

On the day of her funeral on Sept 26, 1997, the morning of the service had been raining, lightly.

We all drove to the cemetery and the rain magically stopped as we stepped out of our cars. The first movement I noticed was a that of a white butterfly circling her headstone. Her wish had come true. She had come to visit as a butterfly. She circled everyone’s heads before she rose up into the sky as if to say “I’ll be ok. I am flying now! Love you all.”

Ever since that day, I remember her when I see those butterflies – the wings visit me at important times in my life – when I fell in love, became a mother, lost a pregnancy, or just when I needed some extra strength to be. I knew. She will always be there. As long as I remember.

As long as the butterflies fly.

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